Saturday, July 10, 2010

Why blogging really a matter?

Living in an informative developed world, we can receive latest information from internet immediately. Due to the rapid development of blogging, everyone can set up a blog to express opinion and discuss any current issues. In response to the article, “Bloggers of the world, unite” by Loewenstein A. (2007), I am going to discuss why blogging really a matter?

Blogging is a matter in today society because it has been affecting people views to the world. The writer of “Bloggers of the world, unite” states that blogging has grown popularity in the society, and it is going to replace the mainstream newspapers. Also, blogs are helping to eliminate stereotypes, especially to the developing or non-democratic countries. However, not many countries are enjoying freedom of speech, people do not have the right to express their ideas freely because there are strict censorship from the government. In this case, blogs became an important matter to those citizens who are not enjoying freedom of speech, In the article, the writer says that, 'in non-democratic nations, blogs are often the only form of independent opinion and regularly incur the wrath of government censors".

I believe censorship is an effective way for the government to control the thinking of its people, however, freedom of speech is one of the basic human rights, and everyone in this world should has the right to receive information and express opinion. Maintaing social stability should never be an excuse for the government to control the flow of information. I think the development of blogging is really big matter to the world, because it may be the only way for some people in the world to receive and give information.


  1. haha, we are both focus on censorship as well.i agree with your opinion of the important relationship between blogging and freedom of speech, especially for some developing countries or the countries in a somehow inconvenient network condition, like Iraq. i remeber i saw an article in Frankie Magazine which i get used to buy per month. This article is one of serial blog of a girl who is living in the Iraq.She expressed information we will never know about it from mainstream media like how people exactly live during Iraq war and also the real emonitions she expressed about lossig her best friend. i think this article shows how tightly the presonal blogging connect to freedom of speech, the truth.If we have not got blog in nowadays life, may be we will never have chance to know what is exactly going on in Iraq.

  2. YO YO YO!!!
    “The world will have become to a grave dark place when we no longer have freedom to say what we like.” The first time I read this sentence, I realized the world that we live in can’t be without freedom. However, what can we do about it? How many people that we’ve seen in our lives who want to defend their freedom and rights becoming victims? Until today, the question is still here, “where is the freedom we are entitled to”?

  3. Blogging is one of the typical production of global village. We can imagine that blogging just like a time machine, dragging us back to hundred years ago. Peple were emotionally connected. One can easily expresses their opinion and experiences, others can recieve information without any block and felt free to give suggestions. Blogging is also a good way to awake the "sleeping" people, telling them what happened suround their life, stimulating people to fight for their freedom of speech and freedom to get information. I mean, at least realise how important is the "real" freedom.

    Blogging is really an excellent approach to inform people, and provide a stage for thode people who suffered from unfair themselves to share their experience and gether more power to blame it.

  4. After read your article, I remember what teacher said before, "Internet is the window of the world". It is really powerful when it becomes a place for people free to speech and discovers news that block by governments and media. This is one of the reason make me optimistic feeling about our country's future, because government need internet but they cannot really control it when the internet technology is developing quickly. For me, it is also interesting to see how people avoid sensitive word and how to break through the firewall, hopefully the freedom of speech will be better in China because the internet power.

  5. Yoko, thanks for responding me:) I really want to read the article that you have mentioned. I think we should not only be the receiver, we should also be the provider and give information to those who are using blogs as the only means to understand the outside world.

    Yanyan, thanks for your comment:) I know how difficult for people to strive for freedom. I think freedom is not a thing that people can fight for in a short period of time, i mean there has to be someone to be the pioneer and demand freedom for the later generation. Like the freedom we are enjoying today is all about the effort of our think positive:) There must be something that we can do:)

    Chloe, thank you for your response:) Yes, we all reckon how important blogging what i have said before, blog can be a platform for us to receive and provide information. We should take our responsibilities and be a citizen journalist, some people may have widen their horizons because of our words.

    Angela, thank you for your comment:) I think positive to the future as well. I believe some days later all civilians could enjoy freedom of speech. As being a communication student, we should take action now and be a citizen journalist!!
